Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pattern Interrupt - Overcoming Your Habits

Our habits are all about patterns. Patterns are learned either consciously or subconsciously. Many of our patterns are forged early in life or happen because of an event.

There are good patterns and bad. Bad patterns tend to keep us doing things that are not good for us or stop us progressing. I help people with bad patterns.

Old patterns die hard. When breaking a pattern the words you chose are critical, and it tends to be why most people fail. They words they use for instance may be "I'm not going to smoke." However, the subconscious skips over the negatives and instead focuses on the word smoke. This is interpreted as - "Oh you want to smoke - no problem, let's do it."

There's a little more than that going on in the mind but you get the basic drift.

Pattern interrupt is a technique used in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and used to break habits or consciously stop you doing something you're trying to remove from your life.

You can perform Pattern Interrupt on yourself but it requires you to have a high awareness level. You need to catch yourself doing the habit you want to stop - maybe you continually berate yourself damaging your self-esteem and confidence. Hands up if you do this? Yes, me too!

Once you become aware you're berating yourself you stop in mid-stream and do a 360-degree and instead of berating yourself you start positive talk about yourself. Simple example but you get the idea.

Oh, that sounds hard, you say.

Yes it is. As I said you have to be in tune with your thoughts almost constantly - waiting to pounce on those negative words to yourself.

But there is an easier way to break these patterns, and its using hypnosis.

If you're interested in discovering more about Patterns and how they're formed and more importantly options to overcome them then I've written an article called Pattern Interrupts - Breaking the Habit which you can check out here >>>

Best wishes,

Erika Slater CH
Free At Last Hypnosis 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

What is Hypnosis?

When people find out I'm a hypnotist I usually get a question which goes something - "So what is hypnosis?"

People are interested in finding out how it works and if it can help them. For sure people are skeptics - and they have a right to be. After all Hollywood's portrayal of hypnosis tends to be dark and sinister, and then there is stage hypnosis with it's entertainment focus - and generally making people look silly or vulnerable.

Therapeutic hypnosis is a different animal though.

In explaining what hypnosis is all about and how it works there is a need to explain some basics of the minds working - as we know it today. We are still learning about how our own mind works, and is it fascinating!

Most people know there is a conscious mind and a subconscious mind - also known as unconscious mind - I prefer to use the term subconscious.

Hypnosis works on our subconscious mind which is where all the good stuff is stored - but it also stores bad stuff. Memories, habits, blueprints, patterns, and... wait up there Erika I hear you shout!!! I get the memories and maybe habits, but blueprints and patterns? What's that all about?

Hang in there with me.

I've written a series of articles to cover all the basic topics but today I want to introduce you to the first in the series - "What is Hypnosis."

It's a long article but will give you a good grounding in the basics of hypnosis. It's my preparation before we get into blueprints and patterns which is where I'll explain how you can use hypnosis to make significant changes in your life to achieve the life you desire for yourself.

Big claims I know.

But the fact is the only thing stopping you getting what you want in life is you. But you've heard this before and most likely still stuck in the same place. So you need more than a statement it's YOU and looking for some guidance and instructions right?

As they say - you've come to the right place. But we have some level-setting to do around concepts.

Here is the link to the article What is Hypnosis >>>

Please let me know how you enjoyed the article and how I could make it better for you.

My next post here will introduce the concept of "blueprints."

Erika Slater CH
Free At Last Hypnosis