Friday, October 21, 2016

What's the Right Number of Weight Loss Hypnosis Sessions for Me?

I thought I would tackle the question of the right number of hypnosis sessions for weight loss in today's post.

And the answer is... it's complicated.

This is right up there with the answer.... it depends, right? And no doubt just as frustrating to you!

But I have a good reason so please hear me out.

For those people seeking out weight loss services using hypnosis then usually it's because they've tried to lose weight before using traditional ways but it hasn't worked for them.

These ways can be diets, exercise, pills, weight watchers, and a combination of these and others. For whatever reason it hasn't solved their weight issues long term. We can agree it works for some folks but not for everybody.

It doesn't mean we're losers - let me tell you my story one day - but it does mean there's something lurking sabotaging you getting to your right size.

Its a complicated topic because you're a complicated individual.

You're a special, unique one a kind person. Hooray!

Because you're unique then your story is unique, and your story is what makes weight loss complicated for some folks. Your story dictates why you're stuck in keeping the weight off.

So most of the people that come to see me are looking to get unstuck! They're looking for help in losing weight successfully.

They want to see if hypnosis can help them.

Fair enough... but...


Hypnosis like any other aid isn't a "silver bullet."

We can't make an appointment for you to come in and I give you a hypnosis session or two, tell you to only eat "protein and veg"and you're cured and will only ever eat healthy foods again.

Can it happen... yes, but let's not bank on it.

Success is dictated by how "badly" you want it to be successful. If you want it bad enough then you'll do what I tell you to do once we've got the demons expelled keeping you where you are today.

Let's agree there are issues keeping you at your current weight that have nothing to do with food and calories.

The issues are not the food and calories you consume... the issues are what cause you to consume the food and calories you do.

If you fix the issues then maintaining healthy food choices becomes pick your healthy foods of choice and go home and enjoy the rest of your life. Well... there is some work to do to help you stick to eating healthy but hypnosis and good direction can usually solve that piece of the puzzle.

So the real work in hypnosis is identifying the issues and helping you to move on from them.


Okay... enough context let's cut to the chase...

For private weight loss clients I recommend a minimum of four sessions. For those that sign-up for my group weight loss program there are three sessions.

But this needs some explanation.

Private clients have a program that initially lasts for four sessions. The first session aims to explain the program but begins to understand the barriers keeping them from being successful in weight loss up until now.

These are usually emotional issues and are... complicated.

There's that word again. But frankly, it can take all four sessions to rout out the issues. Certainly a client may not even know the core issues and so we spend time identifying. If the issues work is long then a program can be 6 or 10, or even longer number of sessions.

The issues and of course the client's desire to resolve the problem dictates the program length.

The Group program has to be more defined and limited, and this is why we set it at three. Of course with Group we can't discuss individual issues, and frankly most people wouldn't feel comfortable doing that in a group setting.

Many times I work with a group client on an individual basis if they recognize extra help is needed and they have the desire to spend the time and their resources doing the necessary work.


Hopefully, by now you have a sense about how weight loss is a complicated subject and that if it were easy and just about eating the right foods then most would have solved it by now.

Yes, we can talk about the food industry and all the terrible things they've done and are still doing to cause obesity in this country and around the world but that's another story for another day.

For now know if you chose hypnosis to help you with weight loss then don't go in with thinking of a set number of sessions. Work with your local hypnotherapist that specializes in weight loss and work it out together.

For more details around my private weight loss program to help you with context then check out my Free At Last Hypnosis services page here >>>

Erika Slater CH
Free At Last Hypnosis

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